Filtering by: Sunday Services
Welcome to week 2 of our summer series, The New Normal. This week's message is called One In The Same - the cry of the Apostles heart for the church then and now that we would be a united force for the gospel.
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This week in our Changed series Pastor Dave will be talking about why it's important to take a look at the legacy we're creating. What impression is your life making on others and why is that important?
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This week we continue in our Changed series where we'll be learning what The True Measure of a person looks like after responding to the gospel. We'll be spending the entire month of June in the book of Titus talking about how the grace of God invites our participation in transforming the communities we live in because the gospel isn't just a set of beliefs, it's a new way of life.
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Starting this week, we begin a new teaching series called Changed. We'll be spending the entire month of June in the book of Titus talking about how the grace of God invites our participation in transforming the communities we live in. The gospel isn't just a set of beliefs; it's a new way of life. We hope you can tune in online or attend our drive in service to learn Where The Truth Lies when it comes to advancing the Good News about Jesus.
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What's the next step when we've tried everything to make peace but it just isn't happening? Going The Distance means we stay the course and stand firm in our faith believing that God will use it to soften even the hardest of hearts. We hope you will be able to tune in online this week as we conclude our Peace is a Road series.
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Nothing good is ever easy and Jesus never said it would be. But, He did provide a three-step restoration process to help us approach others who have offended us. We hope you are able to tune in this Sunday as we continue our series and unpack how our choice to pursue peace includes having those difficult conversations that need to be had.
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Join us this Sunday as we pick up in our Peace is a Road series. This week we'll be exploring why it's so important for us to be people who are called to overlook the little things.
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Have you ever wondered to yourself "do I even matter?" This week we're going to take a look at a mom in the Bible who really didn't matter to people but God noticed her anyways. Listen in to hear how what God did for her impacts us today.
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Now is the time to put your hope and trust in Jesus! This week's message will encourage people to hope and trust in God for more in the midst of doubt and discouragement.
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Imagine the possibilities for peace when we choose to glorify God by putting him on display in the midst of a world full of conflict. God’s peacemaking plan requires us to make a move and lean into where the conflict is, with the intent for peace. We hope you will tune in online or attend in person (masks & social distance) as we journey through a new series called Peace is a Road - blessed are the peacemakers.
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Don’t you love it when an unpleasant experience happens and all of the sudden out of nowhere, it turns into something enjoyable? This is what’s called a Blessing in Disguise and our hope is that you would come in person or online this Sunday to hear more about how God’s will is for us to be part of this blessing.
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What does it look like to be an overcomer in everyday life? Find out this Sunday as we talk about being more than conquerors.
Easter is Calling is a series focused on renewing our understanding of what it means to be people who love God and are called according to His purpose. We hope to see you in person at 10:15am (social distancing and masks) or online through our live stream.
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This Sunday we'll be taking a look at why we can persevere in this life knowing nothing can ever separate us from the love of God. Easter is Calling is a series focused on renewing our understanding of what it means to be people who love God and are called according to His purpose. We hope to see you in person at 10:15am (social distancing and masks) or online through our live stream.
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This Sunday we continue our second week of The Rules of Relationship Series where we’ll be looking at how our Attitude Changes Everything in our relationships. Imagine the difference it would make in our relationships if we had the power to make them all God meant them to be, right at our finger tips. Is this even possible? Tune in Sunday morning online or in person at 10:15am as we explore together.
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From Millennials, Generation X, Baby Boomers and earlier generations, we all have this desire to find our purpose. For many though, it seems like life is a bit out of focus and a purpose doesn’t really matter. This week Pastor Tim will unpack the truth that God does indeed have a purpose for us and desires for us to be Focusing on What Really Matters.
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This week Pastor Dave will talk about how we can go forward in our faith this year.
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